Please follow the step by step instructions below: 1. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, you must first register for your class to ensure space availability for the appropriate class level, day(s) & semester. Online Registration opens 2 + months prior to the start of the semester(s). Scholarships need to be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the semester(s). All Dates are posted above.
2. Determine which scholarship is best for your family (SCJH & One 22 or SCJH Direct scholarship). SCJH ask that skaters go to One-22 or Inquire about boundless scholarship (to maximize scholarship amount) before applying directly to the club.
3. Please be aware there is a mandatory volunteer hour requirement for those receiving scholarships ("funds") from SCJH. Scholarships may be held until outstanding volunteer hour logs are returned. In addition, all applications need to be turned in before the due date on the application below. SCJH Scholarship Forms
Por favor, sigue las instrucciones paso a paso a continuación: 1. Si estás interesado en solicitar una beca, primero debes registrarte para tu clase para asegurar la disponibilidad de espacio para el nivel de clase apropiado, día(s) y semestre. La inscripción en línea se abre con al menos 2 meses de antelación al inicio del semestre. Las becas deben ser presentadas al menos 6 semanas antes del inicio del semestre. Todas las fechas están publicadas arriba.
SCJH Formularios Obligatorios
Get more scholarship dollars by applying through One22-YES or Boundless due to program matching funds. For more information, go to YES or Boundless.
Additional Scholarship Info/SCJH Scholarship Partners: